David Singleton

David Singleton's Diary

Tuesday 23 November 2021

LockDown Day Five

After a while, the small changes become VERY exciting. Today, as usual, I phoned room service to order breakfast (there is no alternative when you are banned from leaving your room). The doorbell rang to say that my breakfast had been delivered. And after leaving a respectful gap for the waiter to run away (we are, after all, still potentially palsied, diseased and otherwise unclean) I went out, like every other morning, to collect my breakfast bag - which would be filled with food in cardboard cartoons and plastic cups. The Ritz version of a McDonalds delivery.
But no! Today there was a trolley, with a tablecloth and an oven underneath keeping my food warm. The excitement! It was exactly the same order as yesterday, but it tasted so much better. And, for the first time, felt that it might be worth the price tag (well, almost worth the price tag).
I can only assume that after five days we are no longer quite as dangerous as we were before. We all passed a PCR test on Sunday with another to come tomorrow.
In this world of constant health checks, I can also report that my temperature is currently 36.6.
Otherwise, in between the losing fight with our inboxes, I notice that we are all taking photographs from our windows. As we have had to book the entire floor, with people on all sides, it must be possible to make a collage of all our photographs and make a complete 360 degree panoramic view.
Fortunately we are allowed out tomorrow (in our quarantine bubble) for rehearsals, otherwise I might be tempted to try.
My contributions today include three photographs taken about one minute apart as the clouds rolled in.
And tonight's cityscape.
